how are you?

You know it's not fair. You guys know so much about me and I know virtually nothing about you. Of course I don't share everything about my life but believe it or not, I share most of it.  You know for instance my profession, where I live, what I eat and how I spend my money.  You know I walk, hike and do yoga.  You have seen every corner of my home. You know of some of my challenges in life too.

Living temporarily in Utah poses problems that are piled on top of my regular challenges, so while it is beautiful here and we both feel it's what we need and want to do, some days are stressful.  I kick myself for not bringing more clothing here.  We are still trying to get our house paid off so spending money on clothes I already own is frustrating. Being away from family and friends is harder than I thought it'd be.  Some days the isolation up here can drive a person nuts.  Knowing adult children are struggling, the worst.  And no matter how organized and careful I try to be, things still go wrong. But overall I'm ok and like the quote up there states, even with problems, life is pretty amazing right? This morning I'm wondering how you are? Do you argue with your spouse?  I do.  Do you argue with your children? Yes.  Are finances a challenge?  Uh huh. What about health issues? Are you happy where you are living?  I would really love to know more about you.  x
