cooking non-vegan

One of the challenges of living up here and caring for my father-in-law is the issue of cooking.  I cannot expect him to eat a vegan diet after being a hard-core meat eater for 85 years.  When we first got here we saw he was relying on box and frozen dinners, which are convenient but not super healthy.  So my goal was to infuse his diet with tons of fresh produce and as many vitamins I could shove into each meal.

His favorite meals are casserole type and anything with gravy on it. So I made my favorite mushroom gravy recipe using fresh roasted mushrooms and I added in a little red wine in place of some of the vegetable broth. My favorite culinary instructor always told me the sign of a good gravy is one you could eat as a soup.

For his meal I sauteed some thinly sliced pork chops, seasoned them with salt and pepper and tiny bit of garlic powder.  When they were almost finished I poured some gravy in and simmered them for a minute or two and then served them over mashed potatoes with a side of broccoli.  He loved it...but the next morning told me it wasn't his favorite.  Ok.

About once a week we make a trek down to the library to stock up on books for the week.  I picked up this book and loved it.  They have great taste and I love anything with the word ordinary in it.

I adore this vintage apron one of the authors is wearing and I want it.  I love this whole outfit.

It snowed a few days ago and out of sheer boredom cut up a Trader Joe's shopping bag and covered an old shoe box and decoupaged this hunter character onto the top of it.  In my defense, the power was out.  x
