Unhealthy Facts About Everyday Foods!

Salad, bran muffins, fat-free foods...They're good for you, right? Not always. Nutrition experts reveal surprisingly unhealthy foods. Eating bad foods without even knowing it's unhealthy for you can make you feel like crap, lead to weight gain and cause all sorts of health problems. Read more facts about everyday foods

  • Cereal bars: Cereal bars have the appeal of being a healthy snack on the go. We tend to think of these bars as nutritious and packed with fiber, but in reality many of them are made with high-fructose corn syrup and have quite a high amount of carbs and fat packed in a single bar!

  • Turkey burgers: If you're going with a turkey burger for dinner, make sure that the decision is based purely on taste and nothing else. Turkey burgers actually pack in much more fat than beef or chicken burgers. It's easier to make burgers with lean ground beef or a chicken breast.

  • Healthy Margarine: Margarine actually has around the same calories as butter does, so what's the difference? Unlike butter, margarine is loaded with trans fat, making it one of the top unhealthy foods you can purchase straight off the shelf. 

  • Non-dairy whipped topping: Saturated fat and high fructose corn syrup, these are two ingredients that are used plentifully in non-dairy whipped toppings. Need some whipped cream? Just whip up a small portion of pure whipping cream to go with the dessert you're serving.

  • Sushi rolls: For those who watching their weight, sushi is often a go-to meal when out for a night on the town, but few people realize that sushi rolls pack a sizable amount of rice and very little protein. When having sushi, opt for sashimi instead to get your protein fixing.   

  • Dried fruit: Have you ever wondered about the health benefits in dried vs. fresh fruit? Dried fruit stacks up calories quickly and easily, and though they contain fiber, you can gain all the benefits of dried fruit and more by eating fresh fruit.

  • Flavored low-fat yogurt: Low-fat yogurt is usually high in carbohydrates. Why not buy some greek yogurt and slice up fresh fruit? A much healthier alternative to processed jelly-like fruit preserves sitting on the bottom of those low-fat yogurt cups.

  • Ramen and Cup Noodles: Don't be fooled by their speedy prep instructions and convenience. Cup noodles/ramen tend to be high in sodium, fat, carbohydrates, and cholesterol!

  • Low-fat salad dressing: Another example of how something marketed as low fat can actually be bad for you. Low-fat salad dressings are everywhere, but what they don't have in fat they make up for in carbs and other unnecessary processed ingredients. Do yourself a favor and make an easy vinaigrette from scratch.

  • Canned vegetables: Not all canned veggies are bad for you, but there are definitely certain brands that pack on way too much unnecessary sodium or sugar. Next time you shop canned vegetables, opt for the ones labeled 'no salt added' and season the food yourself!  

  • Trail Mix: Pre-packaged and processed trail mixes are actually high in fat (from peanuts, chocolate, etc.) and high in carbohydrates (from the candied fruit, dried fruit, and chocolate), making trail mix one of the most unhealthy snacks out there. When it's snacking time, go for some fresh fruit or make your own trail mix from scratch

  • Healthy sport drinks: The benefits of Vitamin Water is a touchy subject for diehard Vitamin Water drinkers, but unfortunately a look at the label tells us that it's basically just sugar water with a small dose of vitamins. For a sweet drink, why not pick up some fresh squeezed orange juice or opt for a lightly sweetened tea?                

Have a nice weekend!
