Today I Start Using an Exercise Ball, It's Really Comfortable!

Exercise Balls Are Changing our workouts.With Exercise Ball. you can do various types of exercises and the many names the exercising tool has taken on since its inception into the fitness world.

  • Top Reasons to Switch to an Exercise Ball Instead of Office Chair

Exercise balls as office chairs are becoming a popular new fad in many offices around the world, and for good reason. I�ll be highlighting some of the top reasons that you should ditch your office chair and roll in an exercise ball.

- No matter how good your posture, sitting in the same position for hours is bad for your back. In fact, it�s worse on your back than standing. With an exercise ball as a chair you are constantly moving, recalibrating your muscles and keeping the blood flowing.

- If you�re like me, you�re a constant fidgeter which often causes one to lose concentration on a task. With an exercise ball your mind will be too busy adjusting your body�s weight to the ball to think about fidgeting, which tests have proven also helps your brain retain information and stay on task.

- An exercise ball is not a panacea to bad posture; you still have to work at it and be aware of your body slouching. There is a technique in weight lifting that suggests you focus just as much of your mental power on picturing the muscles you are working out in a specific lift just as much as you would PHYSICALLY. This is the same idea behind good posture and muscle stability.

In order to use an exercise ball, or get exercise period, you have to motivated. If you aren't motivated by something, make it health reasons, personal reasons or any pretty girl next to you, sticking to a good diet plan and workout routine is a lost cause. Exercise balls aren't for everyone, though theoretically they can be used by all body types of all ages. That said, you do have to be moderately coordinated not only to use a gym ball, but in order to benefit from the range of motion the exercise ball requires you have to be flexible, limber and patient until you get comfortable with the rolling motion.

NOTE : You�re abs will not magically turn into a rock hard six pack after using the exercise ball a few times. Rock hard, 6-pack abs take a long time to acquire and it�s even more difficult to maintain. However, Exercise balls are a great tool athletes and celebrities use to keep their abs in top form.

There are various exercise ball exercises that can be done both indoors and outdoors. That's the beauty of the exercise ball; you can take it anywhere you go. People can use the workout ball for yoga, basic ab crunches or can even be used in conjunction with dumb bells. Stability balls can always double as a nice chair too if your seating is limited. Let's be honest here; not everyone that starts using an exercise ball is incredibly fit. If anything, people are beginning their gym ball workouts in an effort to lose weight, get in better overall shape or to improve their flexibility after an accident. The idea behind using an exercise ball in your workout is to make your routine somewhat fun. Hours on the treadmill, rep after rep on the weight bench and endless biking treks get tiresome. Adding a regular exercise ball routine to your workout regimen can spark new interest and motivation in your weight loss goals or whatever your desired benefit may be.

It doesn't matter what you call it: Swiss ball, physio ball, ab ball, gym ball or exercise ball; it's all the same thing. Some exercise balls are slightly bigger than others, but they all serve the same purpose. The purpose of an exercise ball is to put the person workingout in control of their routine.

  • Exercise Ball Therapy for Lower Back Pain Relief

The exercise ball is an exercise treatment option for back pain sufferers and is designed to help prevent or minimize further episodes of low back pain as part of a rehabilitation program. The exercise ball is effective in rehabilitation of the back because it strengthens and develops the core body muscles that help to stabilize the spine.

The benefits of exercising on an exercise ball for people with low back pain include:

�Simple and versatile way to start moving again after a back pain episode

�Improved muscle strength

�Greater flexibility and range of motion of the spine

�Enhanced balance and coordination of core muscle groups used to stabilize the spine and control proper posture while using the exercise ball, which in turn reduces stress on the low back

�Increased tendency to maintain a neutral spine position during exercise

�In particular, many Swiss ball exercises are designed to bring movement to the spine in a controlled manner to help keep the discs nourished. Moving the vertebrae helps nourish the discs in the spine by increasing blood flow around the disc and by causing the water to flow in and out of the disc

  • But is it Ergonomic?

Those who design and sell ergonomic desk chairs, which cost hundreds of dollars each, naturally caution you about using a $15-30 exercise ball instead. Certainly, those with back pain and other musculo-skeletal disorders need to use caution when changing chairs for hours of sitting. If you experience increased lower back pain when using the exercise ball as a chair, discuss with your medical provider and consider discontinuing use.

You must get the right size of ball. Your thighs should slope downwards slightly rather than be at 90 degrees. But the ball should not be so tall that you end up balancing on your wrists at the keyboard.

There have not been many studies on the benefits of using an exercise ball. However, the physical therapists and personal trainers are recommending using the ball as a chair and say they do so themselves. Perhaps it is a fad, but it is one with many converts among the exercise and therapy experts.

  • Comfort

When starting out using a ball, you should begin with a half hour or less and build up your time each day to see how you tolerate it. I find that the ball is far more comfortable than most desk chairs.

Once you have the ball handy, it is easy to just roll back from the desk and do a few ab crunches.

I love my exercise ball! It is so much easier on my back to do my ab crunches on the ball, rather than on the hard floor. There really isn't enough I can say about all the wonderful benefits of using the exercise ball. PLEASE Try one for yourself! You will be very impressed with everything it will do for you!
