Today, I just feel Sad,So I Decided to...Beat My Sadness!

Sadness is not a beautiful feeling. When you are sad, you isolate yourself, you keep thinking on what is making you sad once and again; and no matter how hard you try to silent the topic in your brain, it doesn't work, like if it didn't want to go out.

How to beat sadness?

It is bad to feel sad for a long time. How to beat it? Well, one of the best ways to beat sadness is by trying to understand how it works. Ready?

Actually, sadness works just like anger: It is very easy, so let me explain it to you: You get angry when you find out that someone is not acting in the way you would have done in a given situation. You get sad when you find out that someone did not do something in the way you expected, too. Or even you just feel disappointment in yourself,It is just another way to react toward something.

That said, the first tip to beat your sadness is to stop being so self-centred and to accept that not everybody will act the way you would expect him to do. They make their own decisions, even if you don't like them.

This should help you accept (second tip) that you are feeling sad because you choose to feel that way. With that, you are ready to understand you can change the way you feel again.

Analyse for a minute what is making you feel sad now. Think if you can change it or discuss it; think on the ways in which you can deal with the issue. Now you are turning your sadness into something positive, you see? You are planning a way to deal with the problem instead of just isolating yourself by feeling sad! That's decidedly good news. Continue that way.

You can also..

  • Try some light therapy

This is always the top treatment option suggested by experts. They think that SAD is caused by a lack of light that cuts serotonin in the brain - this is the chemical in the body that makes you feel happy.

You can buy a small lightbox and spend 30 minutes a day in front of it if you suffer regularly. They can be expensive, but people who've tried them swear by their benefit.

  • Eat a healthy diet

Experts suggest ditching the sugary snacks because they make your blood sugar levels go up and down which seems to have an effect on SAD.

Try to up the amount of oily fish, like mackerel, you eat - they are high in omega 3 oils and studies have shown that it can help improve symptoms of SAD.

Even better, mackerel and sardines are both a cheap option when it comes to fish, so it won't cost the earth.

  • Talk to someone

 'Let others know how you feel,'  and talk to them about your feelings and symptoms. A word of support or advice from a friend or loved one, a shoulder to lean on or a joke shared can help to lighten your symptoms.

  • Sleeping patterns

It�s important to try and get your body into a consistent sleeping pattern throughout the week including the weekends. Although it�s nice to have a lie in, repeatedly hitting the �snooze� button on Saturday morning may leave you feeling lethargic and more tired when the next working week arrives.

  • Exercise

Regular exercise produces endorphins, we all know this. Many of us will start to sway away from our regular exercise routines as the temperature begins to drop, but try to maintain them and your body will thank you for it. Many studies have shown how physical workouts can help improve sleep and muscle tension. If it helps, try moving your workout so that it takes place during the few daylight hours that we have. It�ll help lift your mood!
