We all have bad habits. This is just a basic part of the human condition. Yet, some of bad habits can be changed or altered. Here are some daily bad habits that you may have and some solutions that Dr. Oz recommended on one of his shows.
1-Not stretching Your Back when You Get Up on the Morning
Do you awake stiff in the back? Do you stretch properly? Do you know what the best way to stretch your back is? Do you think the best way is to stretch it as soon as you get out of bed? You would be mistaken.
The best way to stretch out your back is while you are still in your bed. Try this technique:
� Lay flat on your back
� Place your hands above your head
� Take a deep breath as you stretch your body
� Count to ten and then slowly let out the breath
� Now coil your body to your side (the side of the bed in which you would get out)
� Slowly raise into a sitting position, placing your hands on your knees
� Now get out of bed.
2-Are you using the wrong skin cream?
To answer whether you are using the wrong skin cream consider these questions:
� Are you using the same cream as you did ten or twenty years ago?
� Do you think you still have the same skin type as you did ten or twenty years ago?
Many people need to change their skin creams as they age, because their skin types will change with time. Hormones are one reason for this change.
When choosing a moisturizer consider these facts:
� You do not need a moisturizer that has antioxidants in them for daytime use because the sun will destroy them.
� Use the moisturizers with antioxidants for night time use.
3-Do you mix your calcium with prescription medication?
Calcium supplements need to be taken an hour or two after any prescription medications. They also need to be taken an hour or two after taken any multi-vitamin. The reason is that you will not get their full benefit if you take these medications at the same time.
More Wrong Habits!!
- Sleeping habits
Staying awake during night: When a person stays awake during night his health may get affected as it is must for a human being to get good amount of sleep during night time. Getting sleep during day time is not important or necessary as compared to getting sleep during night.
Curling up: Did you know that sleeping all curled up is not good for your back? This could result in back pain. The best way to fall asleep is on your back, flat out, with maybe a pillow under your knees to flex your lower back.
Having pets sleep in your bed: Animal hair can trigger off asthma and other allergy attacks, so it is advisable to keep your furry friends out of your bed. Even children's stuffed toys can be carriers of dust mites. And that is something you need to watch out for.
Sleeping face down: Sleeping face down can wake you up in just a little while because of the distrupted nocturnal breathing that this can result in. You will not be able to breathe properly when sleeping face down and this will wake you up.
Dropping off in your make up: Apart from producing dark circles around your eyes, eye make up can irritate your eyes while you sleep. Besides having make up on for long periods of time can produce dermatitis. So before you hit the hay, even if you are bone tired, take a coupleof minutes to completely remove all traces of make up from your face and neck.
Sleeping in a cold room: With the air conditioner on full blast and you feeling absolutely cold, you could curl up in a bad posture while sleeping. And this is bad for your spine. So sleep in a comfortable temperature, and set the timer on in your air conditioner before it gets too cold for you.
Putting flowers in your bedroom: Fresh flowers and their sweet scents are great to have in your room. But not while you sleep and in your bed room. Flowers have pollen that could trigger off an allergy attack in allergy-prone folks. Sunflowers are the worst offenders. If you still insist on flowers, have some low fragrance types that can minimise allergy attacks.
Sleeping with a bedside lamp on: Deep sleep can come only when you are sleeping in total darkness. So it might be a good idea to stop being afraid of the boogie man lurking in the shadows and sleep well. But if you are used to sleeping with the light on, gradually dim it, or your sleep can get completely disrupted!
- Eating habits:
Salt:If the salt content in your daily diet is high, rest assured that it will lead to complications of high blood pressure and water retention.
Are you drinking enough water? I know this is a repeated advice,especially the bit about a minimum of eight glasses a day...but it does go a long way in getting rid of toxins even while it aids in digestion.
Yes, we all have bad habits. The good news is that with a little bit of effort, we can change these habits. All of us want to live a full life, look young, healthy and fresh and have the energy to attend to our needs till our last breath.Also,try to get rid of all negative habits like smoking, coffee addiction or alcohol...
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