It has been year since I made the decision to cut all soda out of my life, at first it was hard but by the 2nd month I knew I could make it, all it takes is willingness. This may not be a big accomplishment to some people but to me it's HUGE! I was a huge soda drinker. I really didnt drink very much water at all only a glass by my bed at night. I would drink cans of soda in minutes, sometimes up to 2 liters in one day!
I'm not sure what made me decide to quit drinking soda, it was also the day I decided to get healthy. Maybe it was because my teeth were looking yellow , or because it was so many calories that I don't really need. Lucky for me I do love water.
And thats why I thought it deserved its own post! I'm ready for the next soda-free year!
Why quit drinking sodas?
I can�t really see any particular reason for drinking sodas other than continuing to get that sugar/caffeine/aspartame ''high'' which isn�t really a high; it�s the lack of those substances that makes you feel bad, so you only bring yourself back to normal when you ingest them. So how do you escape your tastebuds� cloying captor, the soda?
Most people know that soda is not good for them. Yet, they keep on drinking it, even though they know some of the risks involved. Soda is actually worse for your health than you might think
It is actually dangerous to your health! Here are ten of the many reasons to kick the soda habit.
1.Phosphorus found in most sodas contribute to bone loss by inhibiting the absorption of calcium.
2.High fructose corn syrup is linked to high blood sugar and diabetes.
3.High fructose corn syrup is not absorbed like other sugars. It is processed through the liver and is the sugar that is most easily converted to fat.
4.Carbonated drinks are linked to acid reflux, and esophageal cancer.
5.Kids who drink soda on average have more cavities than kids who do not drink soda.
6.Caffeine and sugar both cause dehydration.
7.If you think diet soda is better think again. Aspartame is made from formaldehyde and and menthol. These toxins are known to cause nerve damage, headaches, and blurred vision.
8.New studies link Aspartame in diet soda to sugar cravings. Experts believe that tricking your palate with artificial sweetener can cause the body to want the sugar in another form.
9.Drinking either regular or diet soda is linked to obesity.
10.There are so many better (and tastier) things to drink than soda!
What should you drink, then? There is certainly alot to choose from. Here are a few of the best:
1.Water. Bring bottles filled with water every where you go and make a pledge to drink only water at home. Water is the best drink in the world. Stay away from flavored waters though. Many of them are filled with sugar, and caffeine.
2. Let�s face it, no one wants to drink water all day. Keep tea bags on hand. Any kind of tea herbal, green or black. They are rich in antioxidants, shown to prevent cavities and protects the body form many health conditions. Try to avoid adding sweeteners, if you must try juice or stevia.You can drink it iced!
3.100% Juice. While it is important to drink juice only in moderation. Fruit juice can be useful for flavoring your water and teas. Try pomegranate, cranberry or lemon juice.
What you choose to drink is a very important decision to make for (or against) your health. Make the commitment to quit drinking soda. It gets easier the longer you go with out it.
My tips for quitting:
So that�s it. If I forgot a tip, feel free to comment!
Have a great weekend everybody!
I'm not sure what made me decide to quit drinking soda, it was also the day I decided to get healthy. Maybe it was because my teeth were looking yellow , or because it was so many calories that I don't really need. Lucky for me I do love water.
And thats why I thought it deserved its own post! I'm ready for the next soda-free year!
Why quit drinking sodas?
I can�t really see any particular reason for drinking sodas other than continuing to get that sugar/caffeine/aspartame ''high'' which isn�t really a high; it�s the lack of those substances that makes you feel bad, so you only bring yourself back to normal when you ingest them. So how do you escape your tastebuds� cloying captor, the soda?
Most people know that soda is not good for them. Yet, they keep on drinking it, even though they know some of the risks involved. Soda is actually worse for your health than you might think
It is actually dangerous to your health! Here are ten of the many reasons to kick the soda habit.
1.Phosphorus found in most sodas contribute to bone loss by inhibiting the absorption of calcium.
2.High fructose corn syrup is linked to high blood sugar and diabetes.
3.High fructose corn syrup is not absorbed like other sugars. It is processed through the liver and is the sugar that is most easily converted to fat.
4.Carbonated drinks are linked to acid reflux, and esophageal cancer.
5.Kids who drink soda on average have more cavities than kids who do not drink soda.
6.Caffeine and sugar both cause dehydration.
7.If you think diet soda is better think again. Aspartame is made from formaldehyde and and menthol. These toxins are known to cause nerve damage, headaches, and blurred vision.
8.New studies link Aspartame in diet soda to sugar cravings. Experts believe that tricking your palate with artificial sweetener can cause the body to want the sugar in another form.
9.Drinking either regular or diet soda is linked to obesity.
10.There are so many better (and tastier) things to drink than soda!
What should you drink, then? There is certainly alot to choose from. Here are a few of the best:
1.Water. Bring bottles filled with water every where you go and make a pledge to drink only water at home. Water is the best drink in the world. Stay away from flavored waters though. Many of them are filled with sugar, and caffeine.
2. Let�s face it, no one wants to drink water all day. Keep tea bags on hand. Any kind of tea herbal, green or black. They are rich in antioxidants, shown to prevent cavities and protects the body form many health conditions. Try to avoid adding sweeteners, if you must try juice or stevia.You can drink it iced!
3.100% Juice. While it is important to drink juice only in moderation. Fruit juice can be useful for flavoring your water and teas. Try pomegranate, cranberry or lemon juice.
What you choose to drink is a very important decision to make for (or against) your health. Make the commitment to quit drinking soda. It gets easier the longer you go with out it.
My tips for quitting:
- Be positive about why you are quitting. Set some goals. Are you wanting to kick your caffeine habit? Are you wanting to lose weight? Keep the goal clear in your mind and don't back down.And Think of all of the bad things about soda. Do some research. Not only can it dehydrate you, but also people believe that some of the ingredients can lead to worse things! Think of the bad acid levels in each can and the cavities it can potentially cause in your mouth!
- Limit your soda intake first. Limit yourself to one can a day and over a course of a few days begin to decrease the amount you take in. Go from one soda a day to one soda every other day to every three days until you eventually quit drinking it.
- Have time. It takes quite awhile to adjust from a life full of soda/caffeine to none at all.Be patient and know in your mind that you won't overcome this in one day. Sometimes it takes a week sometimes it takes a month. Be prepared!
- When you feel thirsty, drink juice or water. These are much better for you and you'll drink larger amounts. Soda can sometimes dehydrate your body. The other liquids will make you feel ten times better.
- Sleep. If you feel headaches coming on, get some rest. Time and rest are the only cures. Don't feel discouraged. Think of it as a time for yourself and pamper yourself if necessary.
- If you're still having trouble cutting soda out of your life, ease yourself off of it by pouring out a little soda each time and watering it down.
- Quit with a friend. It's always good to have someone quitting with you. Not only can you talk to them about their experiences, but you can also have someone to support you.
- Drink coffee in moderation .Just a cup or two of in the morning to please your caffeine craving. and make sure you don�t waste your money buying it brew some at home. Don�t skimp, either � buy something flavorful or you�re going to hate it.
- Think of all the money you will save.
- Public goal-setting is a great way to maintain a resolution.So,Tell your friends, family, co-workers and anyone else who cares to listen that you are eliminating soda from your life and there will be supporters.
So that�s it. If I forgot a tip, feel free to comment!
Have a great weekend everybody!
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